
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Send Email to Future

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Do you wish to send an email to someone on 1.1.2020? or do you want to ensure that you really greet your friend on their birthday ( since you always accidently forgot about the dates... like me lor... so sorry , my dear friends.. i am so "big head prawn" )

How leh ??

FutureMe is a novel concept which allows you to send emails in future.FutureMe has a neat interface to send an email. Specify the email address (ensure it lasts long enough laa ), subject, message and the date to be sent in the future.

Click 'Send this to the Future' and you are done !!!

Example of FutureMe email :

Dear FutureMe,
This is PresentMe, but when you get this I will be PastMe, if you know what I mean.
You probably don't.Anyway, remember 10 years ago you sent this to yourself on www.futureme.org ?
Maybe you don't. Well, you did.How are you doing? Hope you stayed cool.Happy Birthday by the way.
And Always Remember:If it's free, fill your pockets.If it feels good, do it.If it doesn't, you're doing it wrong.
I hope e-mail or HTML technology hasn't changed too much since I wrote this, or else you may not be able to read it. Well, you obviously are reading it, so it must be working.
Stay CoolPresentMe, soon to be PastMe
P.S. I don't think you need to reply to this, I probably won't get it anyway, unless they've invented backwards-in-time emails by then. in that case, feel free to respond.

(written Fri Oct 7, 2005, to be delivered Mon Aug 3, 2015)

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